My Overwhelming Popularity

One of my two readers sent me a little award. Woot!

Thanks, Jennifer! By the way, at one point I examined my friends list in Facebook and determined that a full 10% are named Jennifer. Apparently there was a scarcity of baby girl names from around 1970 to 1980. I noticed that the Duggar family held out as long as they could but ultimately bestowed the name upon the seventeenth of their J-themed clan. It was inevitable, really.

I should add that the Jennifer who sent me the award is, of course, my favorite.

In any case, apparently I am supposed to include the answers to a slew of questions. The caveat: you only get one word for each.

1. Where is your cell phone? Purse
2. Where is your significant other? Bed
3. Your hair color? Brown
4. Your mother? Glamorous
5. Your father? Kind
6. Your favorite thing? Daughter (if the answer was supposed to be an inanimate object, I'll go with "brownies")
7. Your dream last night? Unknown
8. Your dream/goal? Publication
9. The room you're in? Office
10. Your hobby? Writing
11. Your fear? Cancer
12. Where do you want to be in six years? Comfortable
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. What you're not? Easygoing
15. One of your wish list items? Money
16. Where you grew up? Virginia
17. The last thing you did? Flossed
18. What are you wearing? Pervert!
19. Your T.V.? On
20. Your Pet? Dogs
21. Your computer? Love
22. Your mood? Iffy
23. Missing someone? Family
24. Your car? Practical
25. Something you're not wearing? Shoes
26. Favorite store? IKEA
27. Your Summer? Eventful
28. Love someone? Yes
29. Your favorite color? Green
30. When is the last time you laughed? Yesterday
31. When was the last time you cried? Weeks


Anonymous said…
I am one of your 10%! I constantly get on my mom about naming me Jennifer - apparently my dad wanted to name me Roxanne, but she thought Jennifer was a "beautiful name." Uh, so did millions of new mothers across the United States, Mom! Hee!

Your #2 Jennifer Friend
Anonymous said…
You have more than 2 followers! Not only do a follow you, I also follow the blogs you follow. I am a huge fan of cake wrecks, thanks for introducing me@

Laurie (The other big name of the 70's due to Laurie Partridge!
Unknown said…
Haha 2 readers. I think a few more than that. I really do LOVE reading your blog.
Anonymous said…
I am still following your blog, Claudia! Love it....makes me smile. I can finnaly make comments now because I finally gave in and got roadrunner

Angela Z.
(named after Angie Dickinson 'cuz my dad thought she was hot...ewwwww....kind of wrong if you ask me...)
Anonymous said…
my first "finally" was spelled incorrectly....and I also notice now that I perhaps should have chosen another word since I use it english major ;)
aliciajill said…
make that 3 readers :) do i get bonus points for my name NOt being Jennifer?

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