One month back at the ol' dub-dub

I've been back at Weight Watchers for one month. I've attended five meetings in a row. My plan is to attend a meeting every week until I leave for vacation in July. So far, so good. I had a good week last week. I bought a new cookbook and am trying out some new recipes. I've also been working out more than usual. My motivation is pretty simple: I just want to fit into some shit this summer. Also, the kid and I are running/jogging/walking a 5K in May. We may also run/jog/walk a 10K in June. I've lost nine pounds this month. No, don't congratulate me. I've lost and gained these pounds a hundred thousand times. Being in a losing mode is much better than the alternative, though. That much is true. Lately I've also been watching "My 600-lb Life." Have you seen that show? It's hard to watch, for several reasons. One is that it's like seeing a ghost. For anyone who has struggled with weight, you can almost convince yourself that if you have ...