Family Togetherness. So. Much. Togetherness.

We're back from 8 nights in the woods. Once again, my generous friend let us use his cabin. After going up there for 16 years, it has begun to feel almost like a second home to us. We just love it so much. I would be tempted to live "up north" permanently if not for the outrageous winters and lack of employment opportunities. Once we arrived in the area, we quickly learned that some awful storms swept through in July, washing out many of the roads. So, that was one little snag with our trip - it was harder to get around. Most of the time, on this annual trip, we just sit around the cabin or hang out by the lake, so it wasn't the end of the world. I did make an attempt to be somewhat active during this vacation. We arrived on Friday night. I got up Saturday morning and hit the farmers' market and a yoga class. The drive "into town" used to take 25 minutes and now took closer to an hour, but we needed some supplies so I was bound to make the journey rega...