
I, wanna take you to my cage
Lock you up and hide the key

I often sing to Chloe to the tune of "Jungle Love" by The Time. This means that I am: a) lame, b) mentally unstable c) old, d) all of the above. Oh, and she's stone deaf, so there's that.

Chloe, a purebred Boxer, has been a guest in our home for nearly seven months. A lot of people passed her by, despite the fact that she is young, healthy, smart, and housebroken. Well, I am iffy on the "smart" part. She is intelligent in that she learns new commands quickly and easily. But the other day I was emptying the vacuum canister when it sprang open prematurely, dumping a heap o'gunk on the carpet. Chloe ran straight over and started eating it. I thought she would stop when she realized she was eating dirt but, ah, no.

Anyway, because she is deaf, most people dismissed her out of hand when they saw her on the rescue's website. Finally, though, an applicant came to meet her last weekend. Chloe was thoroughly obnoxious, and jumped all over her guests. However, these folks already have a Boxer and probably would have been surprised had she NOT jumped on them. They brought their other dogs along for the visit, and the three pooches ran around my backyard, taking turns punching each other in the head and sniffing each other's nether region.

Chloe will be going to her new home on Saturday. I will miss my "sweet little cupcake baked by the devil." She spoons with me at night. She grabs alphabet letters off the refrigerator and chews them up. She eats baby wipes like they are some fine gourmet delicacy. She humps my Boxer, Giddy. Each time I head down to the basement to grab the laundry, she shoves her head through the cat door and waits for me to come back up, resting her chin on the top step until I do.

Good luck in your new home, sassy girl. I'll miss you. Here, take the letter B - one for the road.


Susie said…
I'm so happy Chloe is getting a forever family! Yay! Isn't adoption grand??!! We had a boxer a few years ago--we'll have to talk about that in a couple of weeks--you have to promise not to judge me though . . .

I, too, make up songs for my kids, pets, friends, etc. to the tunes of other songs. I'm not familiar with "Jungle Love", but I'm sure it's a catchy tune! We have a great mental health facility here in Oklahoma, too. I have a standing reservation! :) hee hee
Samantha said…
Whats with the girl dogs humping the boy dogs? My dogs do the same thing.
Laurie said…
I love Boxer stories! You definitely have to have a good sense of humor to live with Boxers, but I couldn't imagine life without them. And yes, I have a girl humper,too. When she does it, she likes to do it to my male's HEAD.

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