Home again, home again, jiggety-jig. I'm busy unpacking and sorting through mail and whatnot. Some medical bills from my surgery arrived while we were gone. Yay!
On Friday morning, after leaving the beach, we met my sister in Annapolis and transferred our kid to her. While we endured the endless drive home, A was hanging out at a water park and whatnot. She'll be visiting family in Northern Virginia until the 21st. I hope she is having a wonderful time. Her dad and I have to work, but there's no reason why she can't go out and have a ball. Operation Room Clean starts tomorrow. There will be garbage bags involved. Shhhhh.
The drive home was pretty uneventful. I scoped out (and stopped at) a couple of vegetarian/vegan restaurants on the way home, so at least we had some culinary adventures to break up the tedium. (Confession: I purposely ate one thing on my vacation that I knew was not vegan: dark chocolate covered Oreos. I'm pretty sure that was my only slip-up.) We stopped overnight on Friday and visited my friend Khau and his family. I've known Khau since I was 14, which is a mighty long time in my book. He surprised us by getting us a fancy room at the Hilton where he works. When we checked in, the clerk told us that we would be in the Presidential Suite. I looked down and noticed some salsa on my shirt from lunch. I don't think I was cut out for the high-falutin' life. The suite was beautiful, though. It was at least twice the size of our first apartment. When we first opened the big double doors leading into the suite, we found a fruit basket and some champagne. Faaaaancy! We went out to dinner with Khau and his family and then hit the road early the next morning.
Tomorrow we go back to work and back to the daily grind. We had a wonderful vacation. We spent lots of time at the beach, hit the boardwalk a few times, rode lots of rides, and did lots of other fun stuff. On our last day at the beach, we even saw a pod of dolphins and a shark, too. P had a minor stroke when the shark was spotted closer to shore than the area where I had just been swimming. I'm sure the shark was harmless, though.
Most importantly, I brought home some Utz BBQ chips (which I cannot get where I live). I also enjoyed two cola Slurpees while at the beach (we also don't have 7-11s in our neck of the woods). I also brought home some sand in my ears. Seriously, every time I think I've got it all out, I find more.
Yummy vegan dessert |
She won! |
Fancy pants suite at the Hilton |