Somebody tell me what day it is (or better yet, don't)

Ahhhh, vacation. I didn't think about work once today.  Woo hoo!

We are currently hanging out at my dad's condo in Ocean City, Maryland. Don't bother robbing our house while we're gone because we have a fourth grade girl and her fifth grade sister watering our plants and watching our house. Just know that they will cut you just as soon as look at you.

We made half the trip on Thursday the 3rd and arrived at the beach on Friday the 4th. The drive was mostly uneventful. It's amazing how smoothly the drive goes when you don't have a nine-year-old in the back seat advising you of your driving faults and asking to stop for ice cream every five or ten minutes. She flew out a week ahead of us so it was just the two of us for the thousand-mile drive. The three of us were reunited on Friday and P and I immediately had to start reprogramming her so that we could stand to be in the same room with her. For the week prior to our arrival, all the kid had heard from my dad was, "Sure, you can do that." I think that if my daughter said, "Grandpa Ted, I'm going to rob the corner market at gunpoint," he would say, "Sure thing, sweetie. Just hand me that revolver so that I can file off the serial number for you."

On Saturday morning, I got up and walked on the beach by myself (my husband and child were still sleeping). I really enjoyed it. The beach is 7/10 of a mile from my dad's condo, so the walk is pretty reasonable. Oh, I almost forgot - I got called a dumb ass on my way there. There is a fairly large intersection that you have to cross to get to the beach. When I arrived at the intersection, I saw a sign that invited me to push the button for a walk signal. So, I pushed it. The robot voice said, "Wait." So, I waited.  I never saw a walk signal. This is a six-lane highway so I didn't want to fling myself into the intersection only to find that I had half a second to make it across all those lanes. So, I waited and watched the light. There was no one else crossing at that time. Well, little did I know, a car to my left wanted to turn right and apparently I, in my stupidity, was preventing her from doing that. I heard her yell, "WATCH THE LIGHTS, DUMB ASS! YOU HAVE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY."  Ah, and a fine good morning to you, too, madame. 

Anyway, I didn't let that twat get me down. I had a fabulous walk on the beach. Waves crashing on the shore is one of the best sounds I know. Later, the three of us returned to the beach to hang out for a while. My dad's girlfriend has been kind enough to drive us around quite a bit. She's taken us to the boardwalk, a go-kart track, Bethany Beach, and a few other places, too. I tried to build up some good will by fixing her computer during my stay. See, I'm good for something!

My uncle was in town over the 4th of July weekend so I was really happy that I got to spend some time with him. He was always one of my favorite people. So far we've been having a really nice time. P and I took a walk on the beach last night. He grew up in the Midwest so he's kind of a pussy when it comes to getting saltwater on him. The tide was coming in so every time a wave threatened his ankles, he leaped in the opposite direction like some kind of grey-haired gazelle.

Today we got up and hit the boardwalk for a while. I had to initiate my husband into the wonders of Thrasher's fries (he only let me add a little bit of vinegar, though). I think he's officially a fan. It was a hot one today, though. Holy cow. We gave some serious thought to paying admission to the Ripley's Believe It or Not museum solely based on its air conditioning.

We've got a few more days of picking sand out of our ears and then we'll hit the road again. Until then, I'll just try to remain blissfully unaware of the calendar.


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