I went back (and other stuff)

So, I went back. To Weight Watchers, that is.  I hadn't attended a meeting in just over a year. Interestingly enough, my weight (at my Saturday weigh-in) was only four-tenths of a pound higher than it was the last time I went. I guess that's good or bad, depending on how you look at it. I do adore my WW leader, so I was happy to see her. I just wish I was more enthusiastic about the whole thing.  However, I guess I do need the accountability.  If knowing that I have to weigh in on Saturday keeps me from snacking before bedtime on Thursday, I guess that's a plus. We'll see how I do. I'm a bit nervous because I know that my physical activity will grind to a halt when I have my foot surgery in May. I guess I'll just chew on some air until I can get out and about again.

Other than that, things have been pretty quiet.  I took the kid to a pet expo on Sunday (because, you know, I "never take her anywhere") and won a gift basket from a German Shorthaired Pointer rescue.  So, that was a bonus. The gift basket contained two bottles of wine, two glasses, and some other stuff. We also got a new computer so I've been busy setting that up and moving files around.  The other day I was moving some photos from the old laptop to the new computer.  This caused our wifi to be slow for a bit. My child BURST INTO TEARS because she couldn't play Minecraft for a little while.  I guess that's what kids cry about now.  Slow wifi.

I've also been focusing on my house a bit. I'm doing some spring cleaning, such as cleaning all of the blinds. I had a bit of extra cash and instead of doing something crazy like putting it into savings, I bought some new dinner plates (our old ones were a least a decade old and were starting to cast tiny glass shards into our food, which seemed problematic), new place mats, and this fish:

I also have Home Depot coming over tomorrow to measure our living room and dining room for new carpet. Mr. M does not want new carpet but he doesn't like anything until we already have it. He fought tooth and nail against having a DVR and now our DVR is full of Walking Dead and stuff like that. He didn't want Netflix.  Then, when I insisted, he promptly took over our account and filled our queue with movies that have received from critics, on average, a half-star. He didn't want a Kindle but uses it constantly. He's just always been this way. When we were still dating and living in Virginia, I thought it would be fun to take a drive to Luray Caverns. He dragged his feet and didn't really want to go. Once we got there, he thought it was the best thing ever and blathered on about it for days.  He didn't want a flat screen TV in the living room but now that we have one, he watches it so much that at times I worry he might develop bed sores. So, he doesn't want new carpeting but once it is installed . . . someone will come over and say, "Hey, nice carpet!" and he will nod and say, "Yeah, we just had that installed." 


Midask9 said…
I love LOVE love that fish!!! Where did you find him?? Oh - and my hubby is the same. 32" TV is fine, don't need 46". Ohh, I love 46". Yep you do. I don't need a laptop! I love my laptop. I don't need a tablet! What would I do without my tablet.

Fortunately we rent, so at least it is limited to gadgets and such. But he has come home and said "Did we need another dog?" only to fall head over heels in love ;)

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