Road Trip

We are leaving tomorrow for a vacation out to the East Coast. Yes, we are the only family in America taking a road trip this summer. No doubt P and I will weep openly each time we have to fill the tank.

Raise your hand if you think my husband is packed and ready to go.


Raise your hand if you think my husband will come home from work tomorrow, throw a single pair of underwear into a bag (for an eleven-day trip) and announce that he is "good to go."

I've been packing for several days already, needless to say. I also get to drop the dogs off for boarding and take care of any other vacation-related detail you can possibly think of. He was actually playing online poker last night while I ironed and packed. I mean, he was having fun and really, that's the important thing. I also hope he has fun at that rest stop in Ohio when I give him the slip and take off without him.

Another problem (besides my husband) at home is that we are down to one bathroom. We have two bathrooms, one of which is used primarily by me and the other of which is used by the other two residents. The toilet in their bathroom has not been working for about a week. At first we thought that whatever was in there would eventually disintegrate and then it would work again. This theory did pan out once in the past, believe it or not. P flushed a dead Kissing Gourami down the toilet and it clogged up the works for quite a while. That fish was the size of my hand, so I am not really sure what he was thinking.

But anyway . . . things do not seem to be getting better so last night we started quizzing that short person who lives with us, in case she knows anything. At first she just shook her head and denied even knowing that we have a toilet. Then after we re-phrased the question a few different ways, she started mumbling something about a "Dora toy in Father's toilet." We started searching through her toys to see if something was missing. She has a whole bin full of Dora-related crap, so it's hard to say. But we do think there is a Dora bath toy missing.

I'm guessing most plumbers have a price sheet that actually has a line item for removing Dora toys from toilets. I don't even want to think about what it's gonna cost.

So, that is the news from here. Blog posts will probably be pretty scarce for a while. (I just wanted to let both of you know!)


Anonymous said…
Christopher flushed - in a three day period- Goofy on a Tricycle, a Barney in a boat, and the topper which finally stopped all flushing in our 1 bathroom house until the Roto-Rooter man came- Mr Potato's Bolo Hat. He actually didn't charge us too much and he had to run a hugh metal thing down the toilet to the curb. Have the wee one stand there and look cute and pray the plumber has kids.
Mary said…
I so look forward to your writing because you crack me up!! I like it when people say it the way it is.... no beating around the bushes ya know?;) I believe we bought our own toilet saver thing that the person mentioned above, that snake like thing... you might want to invest in one also.;) Have a safe and wonderful trip and looking forward to hearing about some adventures!

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