Further evidence of our exceptional parenting

Why does she always have a ding on her head?

We spent lots of "family quality time" today, even though the grown-up members of our little trio are plenty sick. So sick, in fact, that when our lovely daughter took a dump in her potty (in the middle of the living room) a couple hours ago, our clogged nasal passages failed to notice it for quite some time. (I'm not sure why the dogs didn't point it out, because they ALWAYS notice.)

Nonetheless, being the good parents that we are (also the generous kind that share their germs with the masses), we took the kid to the library downtown for story time. I kept it somewhat of a secret just in case it got canceled or something tragic like that. The big surprise was that Max (of Max & Ruby fame) was in da house! Holla! For our kid, meeting Max is the equivalent of the average Catholic meeting the Pope.

A friendly and mightily pregnant librarian-type lady led the kids in some pre-Max songs, dances, and stories. At one point she asked everyone to jump up and down. I started to jump around, too, and then I remembered that the bra I selected to wear today does not supply as much, um, lift and support as one might like. I did sing along to "Little Bunny Foo-Foo" with great gusto, though.

When Max was brought out, A shoved past at least 30 kids to get to the mute, over-sized bunny. She hugged him and patted him. And looked happy as could be. She was rewarded for her adulation with a hand stamp (of Max, of course) and a picture of Max that she could color later (but which she chose to mangle in the car instead). We were almost out the door when she turned around, stripped off her coat, and ran back for one more tete-a-tete with Max.

After we left the library (I did hear a fully-grown adult refer to it as the "lye-berry" while we were there), we headed out for pizza. Then we went to a pet expo at a local arena. There was a petting zoo and lots of informative booths and whatnot. Also, an insane number of people. I think the whole town was there. Our rescue does not participate in this particular event because, while our volunteers are very dedicated, it is difficult to staff a booth for three days straight.

The afternoon went downhill after we got home. A had an impressive meltdown right before dinner. While we were sitting at the dinner table, she announced that this wasn't her home and she wanted to go to her home. We were going to ask her for the address so that we could drop her off, but calmly instructed her to eat her veggie "chicken" nuggets instead.

Anyway, I think someone is going to bed early tonight. I just don't know if it's gonna be her or us.


Audreee said…
If it makes you feel any better, my kid always has a scrath or a bump on his head too. I don't beat him either....really I don't.
Audreee said…
scratch not scrath

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