Talk about Old School

This afternoon we took A to her cousin's third birthday party. My sister-in-law wisely came to the conclusion that having a birthday party at your house every year is for the birds. The cooking, the cleaning, the unruly relatives, etc. So, she booked it in a bowling alley. The bowling alley was conveniently located in 1963. Don't get me wrong - I love hanging out in unpretentious joints that just barely meet health codes. We had a blast!

You gotta check out the decor, though.

Apparently this is the last place in the free world that allows smoking indoors. I didn't know which I found more aesthetically pleasing - the groovy stars or the soggy cigarette butt.

I wish I knew what the original ashtray looked like. I'm betting it was fab-u-lous.

Molded white and orange plastic seats? Check!

This baffled and frightened me most of all. No, the photo is not upside down. There was indeed a large custodial bucket strapped into the ceiling.

The only person at the party who knew how to keep score was my sister-in-law's grandma. After I scored a 72 in the first game, I suggested to her that she really did not need to do any more math for me.

The party was a lot of fun. As you can see from the photo above, our niece enjoyed the princess music set I bought for her. The set also included castanets, maracas, a tambourine, cymbals, and a trumpet. Why would I do this to my sister-in-law, you ask? Well, she started it. She threw down the gauntlet when she bought my kid a make-up set for Christmas. It contained lipstick, eye shadow, and nail polish (the real stuff - not "pretend" make-up). My daughter was delighted, of course. I tightened my jaw a bit. "I just want to be the fun auntie!" said my sister-in-law.

"Oh, you're a barrel of laughs, alright," I told her.

And this, my friends, is why I also included a set of Plah-Doh in the gift bag today. Oh, and a robotic kitty who meows. I think you'll agree that this was well-played on my part. My kid's birthday is coming up on May 3rd and I have a feeling we'll be receiving something that involves glitter and paint and possibly an ant farm. I am planning to counter with a live puppy.


aliciajill said…
sooo funny! i think the live puppy would be an excellent choice........ or maybe a hamster? just sayin.....
E said…
You're so funny. I love blogs that make me laugh. I'm officially a follower.
Jodi said…
Very psychadelic!!! Sweet!!!
sanjeet said…
Hope you enjoyed Red Robin, despite their bad timing.
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