#300 (Oh, and we're growing popcorn)

300 blog posts! Why fame and fortune have not found me, I've no idea.

In any case, #300 seems somehow noteworthy, so I'd like to take the opportunity to thank the folks who read my blog. Without the little people, where would I be? But seriously, I appreciate all of the feedback and encouragement from my witty readers. I'd also like to thank those who link to my blog, as that's always appreciated. I generally receive 50-90 visits a day, and many of those readers found me through those referring links. For the Boo Radleys who keep visiting my blog because you did a Google search and found an innocent post about fathers kissing their children, would you sick fucks please go away? Seriously, you need medication and, probably, prison time. I should just delete the entry, but dammit - I even did research for that one!

In other news, we are growing popcorn. I thought you'd like to be the first to know.

It took me a while to figure out what was going on. As I was picking A up from school a few days ago, one of the teachers remarked, "She sure is excited about planting sunflowers with you!" I gave her a puzzled look. "You're not, um, growing sunflowers?" she asked.

"Not that I know of. Also, we're not throwing the dance party she keeps chattering about."

A keeps bringing up this "dancy party" that she's throwing and told me that maybe I can come. Maybe - if I play my cards right, I guess. As far as I can tell, the dance party is separate from the Strawberry Shortcake party she is having for her birthday, though I would imagine that dancing is also welcome at that event.

Regarding the sunflowers, I did mention to A in passing that maybe we could attempt to grow some flowers when it gets warmer. I was thinking of petunias and such. I don't know the first thing about sunflowers. As you can surmise from the photo below (of a plant that resides in my home), horticulture is not on my list of skills. However, I do water the plants periodically and last time I watered this one, I couldn't help but notice that popcorn kernels were suddenly floating in the water. These, it seems are the seeds she has planted so far. When our first batch of popcorn starts sprouting, we'll be sure to invite everyone over for a snack. You are also welcome to dance while you eat our popcorn.


Anonymous said…
Congratulations on 300!

Good luck with your sunflowers. I highly suggest getting a packet of seeds and sticking a few in a pot of soil. BEWARE! There are different kinds of sunflowers. Some get 4-6 feet tall and some get 10-12 feet tall. I opted for the shorter ones and they did just fine for my 5 year old.

Let us know if any popcorn grows. :)
Mary said…
Hey, that could be my plant minus the popcorn seeds!! You might say not a lot of foilage on them....;) Is that what it's called? Geeesh, you know what I mean, that's how much I know about plants!! I cry when someone gives me one because I know I will just kill it!!;)If the dance party happens let me know, I'd like to come! Congrats on numero 300, that's awesome!! I've totally enjoyed your blog, great reading, you bring out some good topics.
Anonymous said…
I enjoy your blogs, but could you do me a favor? Once in a while you will mention your mother, but you should do yourself and the world a favor and write about her more often. She sounds like such a wonderful, witty, intelligent and charming person. I'll bet she's gorgeous, too! So how 'bout it? Don't keep her to yourself so much; the world awaits.
Anonymous said…
Go BACK to bed, daughter.
Audreee said…
Yay for 300 posts!
Can Aunt Craggy come to the dance party?
Cindy and the bullies baby! said…
I had to check with my dad. You can actually grow popcorn. :) Place between two damp paper towels. Keep warm and damp for a week or so any you will see sprouts. There is a many great tale of the time my parents came to school for conferences and my desk was so messy something was growing in it.
Joyce said…
WOW! 300 is awesome. I've gotten lots of sickos because of my potty training-related tags. Some people have some nasty fetishes, I've discovered. *YUK* Sunflowers are pretty easy!! Give it a try.

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