The words "speculum" and "weekend" should never be used in the same sentence

I had my annual exam today. The stirrups kind. I guess I thought it would be fun to kick off the weekend that way. I peed in the cup, just like every year. I got weighed. Then I got to sit down with the nurse and fill out ye olde questionnaire. Now, why they can't save my responses from year to year, I have no earthly idea. There is one part of the grilling that chaps my ass. Every year, I grit my teeth and muddle through. This time around, I got kind of pissy and complained to the doctor. This is the source of my ire: Nurse (typing away on the laptop): You've had four pregnancy losses? Me: Yes. Nurse: And no live births? Me: No. Nurse: Okay, so no children then. Me: Yes, I have a daughter. The nurse gave me a "does not compute" look (picture her saying it in a robotic voice, cuz it's funnier that way) and kept typing. When Dr. D came in I told him that I find the questionnaire to be a bit insensitive and to my surprise, he said he would look into it. I mean, I...