Cakes and Stuff

After my Weight Watchers meeting yesterday, the kid and I made a birthday cake for her dad. His birthday is tomorrow. If you are a Weight Watchers member, you may know this already but if not, let me break this news to you gently . . . cake . . . is . . . 12 . . . points. I know, it's tragic. Wait, the news gets worse. This calculation is for a THREE-INCH SQUARE PIECE OF CAKE. Trust me, I wept the day I found out.

Anywho, A and I donned our respective aprons and got to work. My main job was to keep her from licking beaters, knives, etc. until after the cake was made. At one point I caught her licking a dollop of batter directly off the counter. You know, the counter that I clean periodically with 409?

Here it is, the piece de resistance:

Don't bother submitting it to Cake Wrecks - they only accept cake-y disasters made by professionals. And clearly we are not that. It is downright edible, though. I took the 12 points like a man and will avert my gaze from the kitchen counter until the leftover chocolately goodness is all gone.

In other news, it looks like I may have to contact an attorney and file for the big D tomorrow (yes, on his birthday). Yesterday afternoon, we were in the car on the way to pick up our daughter from a playdate. I hooked up my iPod and put it in shuffle mode for the drive across town. "Everyday I Write the Book" came on.

"Oh, I hate Elvis Costello." My husband curled his lip in disgust.

"What are you talking about? Who hates Elvis Costello?"

"He's terrible. He doesn't have a single good song."

Needless to say, I turned up the volume. And sang along.


You'd think that after 16 1/2 years together, I would have known of his disdain for Elvis Costello. And yet, I think you'll agree that this ranks right up there with "irreconcilable differences." I was willing to tolerate his dislike of fruit and I'm totally on-board with his negative feelings about Bob Seger, but Elvis Costello? That's over the line, man.


Jen said…
Not even "veronica"?

(PS...whipping the frosting into oblivion cuts the frosting points in half...yay!)
Samantha said…
LoL My DH suprised me with "I cant stand Aerosmith" last year. I almost stopped speaking to him.

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