Here you go, Rachel

Every year, I post a blog entry about my favorite songs from that year. Nobody reads it except Rachel, my music-loving friend of 33 years.

I didn't download a ton of new music this year. Plus, it's harder for me to tell what I purchased this year because I had to restore my entire music collection from back-up a few months ago. In October, I bought a new car and now have Sirius XM radio. So, instead of listening to new music, I now listen to inappropriate comedy (when my kid isn't in the car). When my daughter is in the car, I have to listen to Top 40. I have fantasies about very bad things happening to Ariana Grande.

Anywho, some of my favorite songs from 2014:

Happy with Me - HOLYCHILD (Good tune for the gym)
Hurry Up Sundown - Springsteen
Water Fountain - Tune-Yards
Diamonds - Johnnyswim
L8 CMMR - Lily Allen (guilty pleasure sort of thing)
The Orwells - Let it Burn
Madman - Sean Rowe
My Silver Lining - First Aid Kit (Stay Gold is a close second)
Too Cool to Dance - James Curd (Another gym song)
Bury Our Friends - Sleater-Kinney
Happy Idiot - TV on the Radio
Left Hand Free - Alt-J


The Lovely One said…
I've never heard of any of these! I guess I need to listen to the radio more often!
Alabaster Mom said…
You wouldn't find most of these on "regular" radio stations. :-)

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