Behold the glory!

The dogs were so excited that they started shooting lasers out of their eyes!

What are you supposed to be admiring, you ask? Why, my new carpet, of course. I worked from home today so that I could be here when the installers came. My other half was not thrilled about getting new carpet because . . . well, new things are bad, I guess. I've never quite understood it. As far as I know, the old carpet was the same age as the house, so 25 years old or so. For now, I just had them do the living room, dining room, one hallway, and a closet. Once this job is paid off, I'll have the bedrooms done. I know, it's all very thrilling. And, I know what you may be thinking:

1. "Wow, Claudia, your new carpet is very exciting! I can't wait to hear about your next dental cleaning."  All in due time, mes amis. All in due time.

Or maybe:

2. "My God, it's about time. I'm pretty sure I caught a disease from your carpet last time I was at your house."

I have to say that while the installers were short on English, they were long on manners.  They did a very nice job.  When they first arrived, I told one of the men, "Hi, um, before you rip out the old stuff I just wanted to let you know that I've been fostering dogs for 14 years. I just want to warn you in advance that the padding under the carpet is probably horrifying."

He just nodded and smiled. For all I know, he thought I was telling him that I had peed on the carpet myself.

The kid hates the color. I chose a deep chocolate color because it matches our furniture and seems practical.

"Well," she said. "I just thought you'd ask me about the color or maybe you'd pick something like pink or cyan."  Cyan? WTH?  Who says that?


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