The Best Day

Well, the new iPad seems to be a hit. Our diabolical plan is working - buy the thing, make her love it, and then extract good behavior by threatening to take it away.  [insert evil laughter here]

She received an iTunes gift card from one of her aunts, so now she is blaring Taylor Swift songs in her bedroom.  She is currently listening to "The Best Day," which is the song her cousin sang at the wedding last month. "Roar" by Katy Perry will be on in a second, so hold tight. You may be able to hear it from wherever you are. We also got her a Bluetooth speaker for the iPad. We weren't thinking, I guess.

Surprisingly, the kid didn't roll out of bed until after 8:00 this morning.  Then she tore into her presents like some kind of animal. We weren't up terribly late last night.  We went to church and then put her to bed shortly thereafter. Earlier in the day, she and I watched "Polar Express" and talked about Santa. "Mom," she said. "Sometimes I forget [that she knows there's no Santa] and then when I remember, I still want to believe, just a little bit."  I felt like crying. Damn that little brat who spoiled it for her much too soon.

"I still believe just a little bit, too," I said, and gave her a big hug.

So, she knew she didn't have to go to bed in order for Santa to come, but I still made it clear that she needed to go to sleep if she wanted gifts.  

It was our turn to host (P's side of the family) this year, so we had guests over for brunch this afternoon. We host every third year. I ate way too much (my sister-in-law and niece both brought yummy casseroles) so I think I see some extra gym time in my near future.

Our guests left a few hours ago. Since then, the kid has been Facetiming with one of her cousins in Virginia. He also taught her to text. She's been taking photos, making videos, and downloading apps at the speed of light.  You gotta love technology.  Within minutes of opening the iPad this morning, we'd already connected with my middle sister via Facetime. We exchanged Christmas greetings from the comfort of our living room, in our pajamas. I suspect we don't even know the full potential of the iPad yet.

She did get other gifts, of course. Several aunts and one cousin bought her clothes from Justice. She can't wait to wear one of her glittery new ensembles tomorrow.  She got two pairs of rockin' boots from Justice. I think she wishes she had more feet and at least two more bodies so that she could wear everything tomorrow.   The kid also received several craft kits, some accessories, and a fabulous nightgown made by her personal designer.

I'm going to sign off and take a bath now.  I asked my husband for some stuff from Bath & Body Works. I like the Eucalyptus Spearmint stuff in their aromatherapy line. For reasons known only to him, my husband got me three bottles of lotion in that scent, but no bath gel. Three. Bottles. Of lotion. There are so many things in this life that I just don't understand. He got me some wine and chocolate, though, so I'll just work on those and try not to ponder the mystery any further.

Merry Christmas!

That's a Santa Root Beer in the background. Just in case you wondered.

Wearing new nightgown made by Meemaw, new hat, new slippers . . . and gripping the new source of all things awesome in her life.


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