Friend, Wine, Pride, Food, Water (and Sand)

An old and dear friend of mine flew in from DC on Friday morning for a visit. He flew back out this morning. I took Friday and Monday off work.  I could probably go in to work today but I need a day to recuperate from the weekend.

On Friday, we spent the day bopping around town. He stayed at a hotel downtown, which just happens to be within walking distance of a winery. So, we hoofed it over there and tasted the various wines. We had lunch at a vegetarian restaurant.  Later, we picked up my kid from daycare and headed back to our house for pizza. And after that, my friend and I went out for a little while. Another friend of mine joined us. Yes, at a bar. Don't judge!

On Saturday, we went to a local Pride festival. My church had a booth there, so I volunteered to help out (I also volunteered my friend, because I'm helpful that way).  The last time I attended this festival was two years ago.  We had a searing heat wave both times. My friend and I left mid-day to get lunch (there wasn't much at the festival I could eat). After lunch, we accidentally went to an air-conditioned bar for a couple of drinks. When we headed back to the festival, the temperature was still astronomically high, but we minded it slightly less.

It was a fun day. A lot of interesting people stopped by our booth. There were only a couple of protesters. I really dug these kids, who just quietly stood next to them with their banner:

I hope their parents are proud of them, and I mean that in all sincerity. They didn't rant and rave or yell at the protesters. They just stood there respectfully, making their point oh-so-well.  As for the protesters, I didn't read their signs in their entirety, but they were the usual fare - wordy posters with bible verses and the word "sodomy" used liberally. It occurred to me that they may as well picket every event, everywhere. The definition of sodomy includes oral sex and I'm pretty sure one or two or a hundred million heterosexuals have engaged in that as well. So, the protesters should really consider showing up at every public gathering, just in case someone there might be doing something behind closed doors that would not meet with their approval.

On Sunday, the three of us (P didn't go) headed to church. It was a very moving service. Some of the ladies of the church recently completed a "Women of Wisdom" curriculum, and they shared their experiences and expressed joy at moving into their crone years.  I never realized that the term actually reflects a very positive and empowering rite of passage. One of our church's wisest and most cherished elders spoke eloquently about the possibility that it may soon be time for her to "fold up her wings" and I cried because she means so much to all of us. Adding to my tears was the death of a member of the fellowship a few days before. 

After church, we took a day trip. We had a nice lunch and then headed to a park that featured a little beach. My daughter splashed around at the edge of the water while we sat in the shade nearby. Thirty seconds later, I looked over at the beach to see my child submerged in water up to her neck. Fully clothed. At first I was going to yell at her and then I remembered that its summertime and that rules don't apply. One day last week I let her eat ice cream twice in the same day. Anyway, it didn't take too long for her to dry off since it was so hot. She probably still has sand in various crevices, though.

It was a fun trip and the breeze off the water was a welcome reprieve from the relentless heat. I wished I could jump in the water myself. We finished up the day back at my house.  The kid dragged my friend into her room to play while I made dinner. She forced him to check out some books from her library and then required him to return them immediately. 

All in all, it was a fun and memorable weekend. I feel so fortunate to have a friend who would fly across the country to visit me. I know he reads my blog so . . . thanks for coming, mon ami!


sounds like a great visit!

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