Facing the Music, Going Blind, etc.

In a recent post I whined about having gone astray as far as my eating habits go. For the next few weeks after that I really did give it the old college try, but somehow my resolve would always vanish by the time Friday rolled around. Feeling ever more desperate, I finally emailed my Weight Watchers leader and asked for advice (because apparently I hadn't heard the whole "eat less, lose weight" rumor that's been going around). She told me to knock it off and get myself to a meeting. So this morning I dragged my considerable ass to a meeting (which includes, of course, a weigh-in). I really think this is my only hope for getting through the holidays. I need the accountability, I guess.

Going to the meeting was tough. First I spent 15 minutes searching my closet for lightweight clothing. For half a second I wondered if it would be okay just to wear strategically placed gauze to the meeting. I didn't even wear earrings because who knows - that extra .0000056 of an ounce might bump me up to the next pound or something. Believe me, I will pluck my eyebrows before a meeting if I think I can shave off a fraction of a fraction of a pound.

I headed to the meeting, hoping to misplace 8 or 10 pounds on the way there. But alas, they were still attached firmly to my thighs when I got on the scale. The good news: I've gained weight but I'm not so far out of range that I can't find my way back with a little hard work. Well, a lot of hard work. And, you know, it really does suck.

Other than that, the only other news to tell is that my kid's social life is getting out of control. She has TWO parties to attend tomorrow. We also attended a Halloween event last night. I always knew she'd end up being way cooler than me - I just didn't think she'd pull it off at the age of two.

Since this post is so random already I'll just share a couple of amusing things she said in the past couple of days.

1. We were playing games at pbskids.org and she started to get antsy while sitting in my lap at the computer. She kept leaning forward and putting her nose right on the monitor. Now, keep in mind that she is two and as such she is contractually required to offer a contrary response to EVERYthing I say. "Hey, don't put your face so close to the monitor. You'll go blind." I said helpfully. "I WANNA GO BLIND!" she shrieked back at me.

[The tantrum pictured at right occurred because her father and I had the audacity to insist that she ride in her carseat. Honestly, someone should call the child protective people.]

2. The other day she came up to me and matter-of-factly said, "I'm ready to dance." I should add that there was no music playing or anything like that.

3. "Dada's a boy. He's not a princess."

4. A has already attended several Halloween events and is starting to accumulate a fair amount of candy. Unlike normal people who know that the Kit Kats and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are the best candy, my kid thinks that the Dum Dum suckers are the best. She is always asking for suckers. Last night she was playing with her castle playset and was acting out a conversation between the king and queen.

King: Can I have a sucker?
Queen: (in a very high-pitched voice) Yes, you can!

Okay, I guess that one isn't that amusing but the enthusiasm of the queen was what got me. I think this is what A is hoping will happen when she asks us for candy, which is about 80 times a day. Actually, what she usually says is, "I need candy."

Beating her father in the head with a balloon


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