She's talking and she can't shut up

My other half is leaving for Vegas tomorrow morning so it'll be just me and the kid for 5 days. I normally do all the day-to-day care stuff, so that's fine. But just keeping her occupied by myself for that long is going to be challenging. For starters, the kid talks too much.

I saw this t-shirt and seriously considered getting it for A:

The kid literally does not take a breath. She talks from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. (we put her to bed at 8 but she talks to herself for another hour after that). The other day I took her to the doctor's office after I became concerned about a possible urinary tract infection. Our regular doctor wasn't available so we saw a Nurse Practitioner, who had never met my daughter. After a few minutes the NP looked down at A's file and said, "Did she really just turn 2 in May?" I confirmed that indeed, the kid is only 2. I know this makes me sound like a braggy mom but the NP was blown away by A's vocabulary and articulation. The whole time we were there I had to concentrate extra hard to hear what the NP was saying because in my right ear all I could hear was: "I have a sticker. I'm very very sick. This is my juice. Is this my cup? Mmmmmmm, apple juice. Look at this book. Awwww, a fox! It's very very cute! It's not cold; it's very very hot. This is my purse. Mama, is this my purse?" And so on it went.

The NP thinks that A is destined for a career on the stage, which has crossed my mind as well. She is already a legend in her own mind, as the saying goes. Yesterday I was in her room, putting some laundry away, when she came down the hallway, stopped in the doorway and announced, "A is coming." I think it was one of those deals like with celebrities who want you to avert your eyes when they enter the room. Either that, or I was expected to bow deeply or curtsy or something. Regardless, I was expected to acknowledge that she had entered the room. When we are out on walks she will announce "I'm going to wave" or "I'm going to say hi" when she sees people heading towards us on the street. I'm sure she thinks they are very lucky that she has agreed to greet them.

I feel a little guilty for kvetching about how much my kid talks, because I know several moms who are dealing with things like speech therapy for their kids. In truth, I'm really proud of my baby girl! I just find myself wondering . . . if she's 2 and can't stop talking . . . what will she be like at 13??????


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