Mother's Day (sub-title: This is What $65 Flip-Flops Look Like)

Hey, Happy Mother's Day! On Mother's Day, my first thought is always of my own mom. While it's true that she did give me faulty hips and such, she also gave me lots of good stuff, like having the courage to be a free-thinker. She knew how to build character before character-building was even a thing. I love you, Mom!  My next thought, each Mother's Day, is of my daughter's birthmom. Without her, I would not be a mom. There are no words to describe how I feel about her - believe me, I've tried. And you guys know how I love words.

As for my own role as a mom, my main request for Mother's Day this year was: "I don't want to pick up anyone's stuff off the floor." I know, it's a big request. I feel like I spend half my life picking up crap that doesn't belong to me. "Why is this sock in the middle of the living room floor? Why are your shoes right here where the puppy can chew them?" And, since we do have a puppy, sometimes I am picking up actual crap.

In addition to my outlandish request about not having to pick up stuff that doesn't belong to me, I told my husband what I wanted for Mother's Day a couple weeks ago. I asked him to order some Vionics flip-flops for me. They are made for people with chronic foot issues, which I guess I now have . . . ever since plantar fasciitis came to town and refused to leave.  He nearly keeled over when he saw the price. He did buy them for me.  In case you're wondering, here is what $65 flip-flops look like:

So far, I love them. They are very comfortable and have the all-important arch support. I worry about arch support more than I worry about ISIS and Donald Trump combined.

The kid made an art project for me. I am not sure if I will use it for my bamboo spoons and such, or if I will use it as a pen/pencil cup. For all those years when I was trying so hard to become a mom, this is the kind of stuff I thought about. Art projects just for me.

It's been a good day. We went to Noodles after church. Then we made a quick stop at Kohl's.  We have guests coming soon and I wanted to buy some new bedding. My kid also needed some new  underwear. I had some Kohl's cash (and God knows you can't let Kohl's cash go unspent) so I wanted to stop on the way home. My daughter refused to come anywhere near me in the store because she knew I was buying her the underwear. "Mom! Gross!"  

I thought, "What the heck? They're for YOU!" Who knew that some new drawers would be so traumatizing! By the way, if you see her around, be sure to ask her if she is wearing new undies. I feel like that conversation will go well. 


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