Easter Weekend
The weekend started off with a bang - or more like a splash. The kid dropped her iPad into the bathtub. And yes, there was water in it at the time. I had gone to the gym (and basically had the whole joint to myself since it was Good Friday) and when I came home, I was met with a tearful kid who was so distraught that I couldn't really understand what she was saying. "I know I'm probably grounded!" she wailed. I did some quick Googling ("what to do about a wet iPad") and then immersed the iPad in a stockpot filled with rice. I sealed it with saran wrap and then stuck the whole pot in a cabinet. The instructions indicated that it should be left for 48 hours.
Maybe I was tired from the work-out. Maybe I was just in a good mood because it was Friday. I wasn't nearly as mad as you'd think. P and I talked it over and decided that "no electronics for the weekend" seemed like a decent punishment. If the iPad was ruined, that would be plenty of punishment right there. You may recall that a few weeks ago, we paid $140.00 to replace the glass. I feel like my daughter's iPad is worth more than my first car was worth.
We had a pretty quiet weekend other than that. On Saturday, I went to Weight Watchers and then we mostly just hung out at home. The kid dyed eggs. I can't eat eggs (since I'm vegan) and she doesn't really like eggs. So, I hope her dad is prepared to eat 11 eggs in the next week or two. The 12th one cracked and I fed it to the dogs.

After brunch, we had a quiet afternoon at home. The kid and I played Battleship. I won. She got crabby. You know, the usual.
One highlight of the weekend was: chocolate cake. I sometimes feel entitled to a wee bit of a splurge after I weigh in. So, I made chocolate cake using this recipe. If you ever need to bring a dessert to an event that will include vegans and non-vegans, give it a try. My husband has already eaten at least three pieces.
Speaking of weighing in, I lost .8 this week. I was afraid I wouldn't lose any, so I was pretty happy with that. My husband has been recording his weight once a week as well. This week, he lost two pounds. How? By skipping dessert one night. Last week, I went to the gym five nights out of seven and tracked every single bite I ate - and only lost 8/10 of a pound. My husband said no to chocolate one time, hasn't seen the inside of our gym in months, and lost two pounds? Grrrr
In case you're wondering . . . we took the iPad out of its rice bath just a little while ago. Miraculously, it seems to be just fine. I don't know how many lives that thing has, but it has used up at least two of them.