Orthodontia Countdown

My daughter is getting her palate expander on October 8th. I attended a consultation with her orthodontist a couple weeks ago. Interestingly, the kid herself didn't even need to be at this appointment. The only thing I needed to bring, apparently, was my checkbook. I had to make a down payment and then the rest will be billed monthly over the next year. Insurance is paying for some of the cost. However, I noted that the amount they are paying is a lifetime limit. I know the kid is likely to need a second set of braces once she has her adult teeth, but apparently she will need to wait for her next lifetime now. I have to say that the visit was at once harrowing and informative. The orthodontist showed me a plaster cast of my daughter's mouth. I wish I had taken a photo of it. All I could think of was that old joke about "summer teeth." Summer here, summer there. Dr. M told me that although he previously thought braces were a possibility, he could confirm that they...