
The other day I posted this photo on Facebook: This is how my child walks through the mall. Seriously. I wish I had that kind of check-me-out-because-I-am-pure-awesome attitude. Me, I'm more don't-mind-me-I'll-just-use-as-little-oxygen-as-possible-here. We were back to school shopping and my little fashionista was making a beeline for Gymboree, where she chose the least practical thing in the whole store. These boots: Now, I don't think you need to be a mom to see that there are several inherent issues with these boots. 1. The color. Waaaaay too light. They are screaming, "Spatter some mud on me! Spill some fruit punch on me! That's right, everything that comes in contact with me will cause a hideous, permanent stain." 2. The fringe. I don't know exactly what will happen with the fringe, but it won't be good. 3. The toe. See how the sole does not extend out past the toe at all? See how naked the toe is? These will be horribly scuffed a...