Mah Dogs iz Crazy
I think it's time the world knew that . . . my dogs ain't right, man. At every meal, Gideon leaps vertically into the air while Gretchen spins in circles. I have worried about Gideon, in particular, because I'm convinced he's going to smack his chin on the counter one of these days. Or maybe he'll come down wrong and blow his cruciate (a common injury in Boxers). I wonder what my two knuckleheads think will happen if they don't repeat their respective rituals? Like maybe one of these days I'll just cut them off and tell them, "No maniacal jumping? No freakish spinning? No food for you!"
This video also reminds me: I need to stop eating ASAP. Seriously.
This video also reminds me: I need to stop eating ASAP. Seriously.
(Also - I love your top! It's a really pretty color)
Thanks for sharing! (dinner time here is pretty boring compared to that!)