Ta da!

The secret project is done and, after some cussing and sweating from my other half, has been hauled into the living room.

Before photo
In-progress photo

See the chair? I picked it up at a consignment shop for $6 and then painted it. There's just one wee little problem. It doesn't actually fit under the vanity. Doh! So yeah, I'm hanging up my paintbrush for a while as I don't think I'm cut out for this sort of thing.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


Lisa said…
It turned out great! Merry Christmas!
radioactivegan said…
That looks so pretty and so perfect for a little lady! If only you could find one ;) I hope A loves it! Merry Christmas!
Sam said…
It is beautiful! I am so impressed! I have no vision when it comes to those kinds of projects, and I'm always impressed by people who do! Can't wait to hear what your daughter thinks of it!
Melissa said…
It looks great! Great job Mama!
aliciajill said…
It's beautiful!!!! You did a great job, what a special gift! Makes me want to attempt refinishing our kitchen table, you always wanted to visit CO right? :)

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