Belle - she gets around

As I promised my mother, I took her granddaughter to every possible Halloween-related event I could find. If Meemaw was willing to slave away over yellow fabric for weeks on end, the least I could was to make sure the kid was seen in the glorious Belle gown. We attended three different events this weekend. And of course the actual trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. My daughter has had a sugar buzz for about three days straight. I'd been holding the trick-or-treating gig over her head for the past week or so. I told her that for each infraction, I'd take five houses off the list. I may or may not have implied that those five houses are known to give out full-size candy bars. Listen, I work with what I've got. Thank goodness I can roll out the ever-useful S-A-N-T-A threat shortly. Earlier today, we had a minor battle over lunch. I'd made steamed cauliflower, couscous with pine nuts, and drop biscuits. Okay, not the most int...