Relaxing is so boring!

That is a direct quote from my daughter. Apparently our vacation was a bit too low-key for her taste. We arrived at the cabin on Friday night (the 20th) and when we woke up Saturday morning, she asked, "How many days do we have to STAY here?" On the second day, she advised us that relaxing is just downright boring. I told her what my mother used to tell me: only the boring get bored . Also, my sisters and I, in our youth, quickly learned never to use the B word within earshot of the woman who gave birth to us. All you had to do was form the thought in your mind and you'd have a bottle of 409 and a mop in your hand before you could fully articulate your state of utter ennui. I have not said the B word aloud in some 35 years. The woman is six states away from me now but I would not put it past her to overnight some Windex up here if she thought I might be bored. We did try our best to entertain the kid while on vacation. I bought her some watercolor paints ...