What rhymes with &%$#!

Lately, she has been skipping around the house, singing rhyming words as she goes. Most of the words are the sort that actually appear in the dictionary. Some are made-up and silly (I believe I heard her uttering "sprunk" the other day). Some are . . . um, pornographic. Rock rhymes with . . . oh my (starts with a c, in case I lost you there for a second). And truck rhymes with . . . oh no, anything but that. And yet, I've heard them come out of my baby girl's cherubic little mouth. She says them in the same sing-song voice as all the other words, so it's not like she assigns any meaning to them. And while I will admit that I am inclined to spout the occasional "dammit!," I can assure you that I don't bust out the ones she has uttered. Honest! On a side note, she did repeat "dammit" one time, but it turns out she thought I said, "bammit," so that's what she said. I couldn't decide if I should reprimand her for that or not.
This parenting anecdote has been brought to you by the letters "F" and "U" and . . .
I can't wait until she starts rhyming at school! Be sure to post on that one.
Thanks for sharing!!