Foster failure? Nope. Let me tell you why.

I recently read an article called An Open Letter to People Who Tell Me to Adopt My Foster Dogs . It echoed many of my own thoughts, but not exactly. The writer indicated that it's hurtful to her when people suggest that she adopt her foster dogs. I don't find it hurtful, but I do find it frustrating. I wanted to share my own thoughts on the topic. It's common for foster families to adopt at least one of their foster animals over time. It's sometimes referred to as a "foster failure." There is nothing wrong with it. Sometimes you develop a bond and, particularly for new foster volunteers, it can be unbearably hard to sever that connection. A few reasons why I don't adopt my foster dogs: There is a two-dog limit in my city and I already have two dogs. Sure, I could apply for a variance but I don't want to. I don't have a terribly large house. It's big enough to accommodate a third dog on a fostering basis, but not permanently. The yard is...