Seizure Aftermath: The Other Shoe has Dropped

Isn't it strange how time works? August 19th is as fresh in my mind as ever, but I can't remember what I had for lunch today. I have flashbacks to my daughter's seizure on that seared-in-my-brain day. I see her hands clenched near her neck as she bucked and convulsed. I see the ambulance flying towards us on the shoulder of the highway. I see the paramedics loading my baby onto a stretcher. Now I know why people say that watching someone have a seizure is almost as traumatic as actually having one. Almost two months have passed since that day. She has not had another seizure. In the intervening weeks, I was able to convince myself that the episode was a one-time occurrence, a fluke. She had an EEG on September 7th. It took 3 1/2 weeks to get the results and even then it was only because I called (I'm assuming the results sat around for a bit). Because it took so long, I included it as evidence in my "everything's fine" analysis. I mean, if the result...