Skating away

Let me start by stating that I am not a graceful or athletic person. I go to step aerobics and yoga, but I never get any better at either one. In aerobics, I actually have to count my steps just to keep vaguely in synch with the rest of the class. In yoga, my skills are not exactly legendary either. I was attempting this arm balance in class last week (called the Crow Pose): Annnnnnd after balancing for about .000078 seconds, I pitched forward onto my face and then rolled onto one shoulder. I ended up off my mat and well into the middle of the room. "Ha ha!" I said (since everyone was looking at me). "So close!" Because obviously I was not even vaguely close. In general, I am fairly clumsy and often have bruises I can't explain. As I've already made abundantly clear, I don't have what you'd call athletic prowess. However, I get out there. I ride my bike, I go to classes, I hit the treadmill at the gym. My daughter, however, will ...